Sunday 17 April 2011

Alex Guofeng Cao: Michael vs. Marylin

Alex Guofeng Cao

Michael Jackson
Digital C-print

72 x 108 inches
Edition of 10

Working in black and white image, Alex Guofeng Cao expresses a deep fascination for subtle gradations of tone between the deep black and the stark white which balances each other quiet well. The most recent body of work by Cao is a series of images of popular culture icons. At first glance, it looks like a mosaic of celebrity. However, upon closer inspection, one can see that these stars are composed of a constellation of tiny repetitive images each slightly differing from its neighbors.

Artist Statement

As one looks closer and closer at the images and scrutinize all the intricate details, one may begin to realize that hidden within the sea of tiny repetitive images are carefully chosen codes and clues that the author inserted in strategic locations, as a reminder of the events and situations in which these characters were involved in history.
Cao has exhibited in the United States and Europe. He participated in various art fairs around the world including Scope and San Francisco Art Fair.

find Alex Guofeng Cao here.
see also artist's page here.

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