Tuesday 19 April 2011

Georgie Roxby Smith Dances with Michael(s)

Second Life Intervention / Machinima
“Michael Jackson kept his most stunning performance forth every end. Always able to command an audience, he knew how to bring whole arenas to fits of exultation with his moves and then silence them to the point of tears with his poetry. He was brilliant,excessive,maudlin, tacky and possibly criminal, but you could never ignore him. So it was fitting that in death,he momentarily silenced the largest arena humanity has ever known,the Internet.”TIME MAGAZINE, JULY 2009

This video is part of a series of works created by Georgie Roxby Smith in response to the unprecedented internet frenzy sparked by his death,with Twitter recording over 5000 Jackson Tweets a minute. Over 11 million people watched his memorial live on the web,and tributes,traditionally found on the street were springing up on social networking sites and virtual reality applications such as Second Life, where the artists met an increasing number of "living" Michael Jacksons.

see this also here.

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